Five ways to beat Gym Intimidation!

Five ways to beat Gym Intimidation!

We've all been there. We've joined the gym with high hopes. We've bought a new pair of Nike Roshes. We've been drinking green tea. And then it happens. We arrive only to find we're sharing the gym equipment with three quarters of the LA Lakers and a gang of Victoria Secret Models.

Before cowering on the exercise bike nearest the exit check out these five top tips for smashing gym-tidation and staying motivated!


1. Have a goal

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or get fit, have your end goal in mind. As Bryan Krahn, BA, CSCS Fitness Trainer and writer points out, “For a goal to be effective, it must be specific and more important, have a deadline”. For example, "I want to bench press 315 pounds in 16 weeks." Set yourself a specific target and stick to a realistic deadline.


2. Cement your goal

Now that you have a target in mind, write it down and take a moment to think about it throughout the day. Once you have your goal, you can build your commitment and intentions around it. Make that goal one of the most important things in your life right now. This intense focus will bring about motivation and staying power.


3. Get Learning

Now it's time to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to turn your goals into reality.

Head on over to Youtube! It's never been easier to find out how to:

Do Tricep Curls

Get a six pack in 30 days

Build stronger calves and lower leg muscles

Build your biceps


4. Don't be afraid to ask for help

Let's face it. Gym equipment can often be confusing. Don't be afraid to reach out to staff and ask them the best way to use it. Chances are, a few other gym-goers are wondering too. Also consider investing in a personal trainer, even for just a few sessions. Explain your goals to your trainer and most of all....


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