When trying to get your hair to grow faster and more effectively, you have to know where to start and what to look for.
Many people find it hard to get a good hair diet which can have a direct effect on your hair growth cycle. If you are absolutely sick of your hair looking weak, feeling brittle or damaged, it’s important to remember that fast hair growth is made easier by eating a healthy diet for hair.
Food is VITAL for ensuring faster, natural hair growth. Look to eat as much of the following:
Salmon. Absolutely loaded with Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and various proteins, this fish is naturally enriched with hair growth vitamins. But hey, if you’re vegan or just don’t like fish why not try vegan hair vitamins such as It Really Works Vitamins
Oyster. Following the seafood route, oysters are a major delicacy for some and great for improving scalp quality. For dry, flaky scalps, get some oysters down your neck. Oysters are rich in Zinc, a trace mineral that helps to maintain healthy, shiny hair. However, avoid Gulf of Mexico oysters; they aren’t very good for us due to being contaminated with Cadmium!
If you’re looking for vegan hair vitamins, check out It Really Works Vitamins, with 100% natural ingredients. This hair vitamin answers the question of how to thicken your hair naturally! The Vitamins for Healthy, Strong hair are also packed with Zinc as well as 21 other nutrients for strong, healthy hair.
Sweet Potato. The ‘healthy, fun’ version of chips, sweet potatoes make a fine choice for changing the way you eat. They are loaded with Beta-carotene, a form of Vitamin A that is great for scalp health and hair growth. If you want some Vitamin A, eat some sweet potato instead of fries! It Really Works Vitamins, are one of the best vitamins for hair are packed with 188% of your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A for healthy, strong hair!
Sunflower Seeds. A little out there, this can become a fun snack for loading up with Vitamin E to help improve blood flow. Stronger and more active blood flow means that our heart is getting blood to the scalp faster. This is vital for promoting a faster hair growth rate. Get your daily recommended allowance of Vitamin E from It Really Works Vitamins and start your healthy hair growth journey today.
Egg. Eggs are a wonderful source of omega-3s. If you cannot manage the oyster listed above, eggs are a decent – but not perfect – alternative. They lack the Zinc most of the time, sadly, but eggs do have Biotin which studies have found to promote hair regrowth. Get 800% of your daily recommended allowance of Biotin from It Really Works Vitamins!
It Really Works Vitamins, are packed with 22 of the best vitamins for hair growth including Biotin, Vitamin B12, Retinol.